Malaysian Education & Learning in Malaysia

Are you finishing high school and has absolutely no idea what to do next? Are you looking for help in your SPM, STPM or other examinations?
Learning tools and educational options
Check out the best courses that are being offered across the country. Learn about what careers await you after you graduate. Do you have a good career path in the course you are interested in? Online courses, tools to help you concentrate in your studies and resources are available here.

Malaysian Education & Learning

International and Private Schools in Klang Valley

International and Private Schools in Klang Valley The government of Malaysia had in recent years relaxed the regulations for Malaysians to study at private and

malaysia homeschooling
Malaysian Education & Learning

Top Homeschool Methods

Don’t trust the public schools and private ones are too expensive? Homeschool your kids today You will know for sure the benefits of homeschooling and

malaysia national library
Malaysian Education & Learning

Top 5 Children Libraries in Klang Valley

Cultivating good reading habits among children is a healthy practice. This is something that should start from the youngest age possible and not all preschools

malaysia IT course
Malaysian Education & Learning

Top 8 Universities to study IT

The field of Information Technology or IT has been an attractive course for Malaysian students over the past 2 decades. It has grown from a

E-Lab Online Tutor Malaysia

e-Lab (English Laboratory) is a 16—pg English language supplement published by Utusan Malaysia, under its education arm (Unit pendidikan). E—lab saw its first publication in